Since Saturday 21 May can be seen the famous column of Victoria, located in the center of the plaza "Grosser Stern" or "Great Star", from which one can see of the best views of the metropolis Berlin.
The "golden Elsa" revisit after more than a year of restoration to regain their original brightness. Both the figure of Victoria, the canyons and in other decorative motifs have been used more than one kilo of gold.
The Victory Column was inaugurated in 1873 as a national monument of honor to the Prussian victories against Denmark, Austria and France. This column was originally located in the Königsplatz, the present Piazza della Repubblica, which is abut front of Parliament. The relocation took place in 1938 by the Nazis.
Over time, a symbol of war this column for several years became a focal point of the electronic scene. After reunification this column of 69 meters to become the protagonist of the Love Parade, which later would move to the west of the country.
To get to the pan, one has to climb 285 steps. From there, can see the incredible distance that provides the heart of the city, the former Prussian hunting ground "Tiergarten".
You can visit from 09:30 to 18:30 Monday to Friday and until 19 pm on weekends.
The ticket price is 2.50 euros.
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