've looked - to the east of civilization! Trip
BAMem, then we Transsibem Bonkers amazingly fast and bam! - We are already in Moscow!
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Recently Moscow has not had done to us dobego impressions. Therefore, this time we decided to leave the basement of the Capital Metro and more to get around on the surface. The weather was good our intentions - already in the morning grilling Edelstahlsonne beautifully, and the streets were buried in a yellow, autumn light.
First kilkukilometrowy walk. It turned out that the city is much greener than hitherto we thought, after visiting several points in the city center. The purpose of our walk was VDNcH Russian Exhibition Centre (BDHX). This is probably one of the most absurd places in the world! In the time of the Soviet Union was here, "Park of Nations Druzhba", which is the place where he had to present all the Soviet republics and were shown the greatest achievements of the USSR. Such a place worthy of course, the appropriate setting. Socialist Realist artists here have nice room to maneuver. Probably used them to excess. Each "pawilonik", ie the vast edifice przypominajaca Greek or Roman temples, dot the communist symbolism and aesthetics of the human avidity content to the republic, which was to be presented there. Sculptured, included not only the characters burly laborers, but even a cow, pig and chicken (!), And the columns are wrapped with frescoes cucumbers, tomatoes, pumpkins, grapes and sunflowers (sic). History, however, likes to play tricks and are now in the middle of the pavilions there are trade stands from the pots, second-hand clothing and any other military duperelami (as in the PPAs). The biggest attractions of the park is rusting aircraft Yak-42 and probably some sort of mock-up of the Soviet space rocket (I doubt whether it could actually fly in space). It is also Lenin's statue, fountain and gold lanterns in the shape of ears of wheat. On the broad asphalt brochures selling popcorn and cotton candy, rent rolls, and speakers, which once flowed through the socialist content, American pop flies. So shoddy Soviet met with American. It's hard to understand any of this.
The next means of transport was a trolley bus. Thanks to him we found out that Moscow really is corked - it dragged on impossibly. However, the city looked from the windows pretty neat and interesting. A stroll along the boulevard convinced us, with a total of Moscow, however, is not so bad, quite the contrary! This time, as the goal of our journey we have chosen Patriarch Prudy. Oposcilismy zapucilismy main streets and in the interior of small neighborhood streets from the early twentieth century. Road traffic was hardly determine. Houses have become any such smaller, that is normal. On the streets, cafes and went out the window restauracyjek.
Patriarch Prudy is a small park by the pond, surrounded by old buildings. The inhabitants of Moscow they come here to relax, feed the swans are living on floating islands, drink a beer on the benches. We found ourselves here, however, for another reason. This place is known for his novels of M. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" - specifically, Here takes place the first scene. Today there is no longer a tram, who fell into Berlioz, but this place really has some sort of magical aura. Besides, a second object, which became one of his novels - Yellow House - still is reflected in the depths of the pond.
Looks like this is a cult place among artists, poets and musicians, or are young representatives of different subcultures. There you can also meet older men with guitars, the team taking pictures for the movie, or just students of literature, who are there, "breathe" after classes. With the latter, well we met and talked late into the night ;-)
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