April 30 in the courtyard of Ostrowiec Brewery had a chance to watch a movie Fri "Strong Man". Projection was accompanied by Maciej Maleńczuk accompaniment. "Strong Man" is one of the last representatives of the Polish silent film, was released in 1929. It is a novel by Stanislaw Przybyszewski. About the same film, you can write a long screed, but I want to focus on something, but rather on someone who intrigued me the most. Speech by Agnes Kuck - actress playing Lucy, one of the main characters. It has long been fascinated by the changing beauty of women through the ages, or decades. Pre-war times have been exceptional - a woman already ejected corsets, Louise Brooks showed up in a swimsuit, Chanel business flourished. These were also times when each, both men's and women's wardrobe, was filled to the brim with elegance. This could be perfectly seen in the "Strong Man", where all the heroes were the people who have daily contact with the culture - climactic scene takes place in the theater. Of course, all the actresses were impeccable curls, beautiful fur and pearls, but this film its charm Lucy caught my attention. After returning home, I decided to find her every bit of information .. It turned out that it is connected with an interesting story.

Agnes Kuck was born in 1911 in Estonia, while her parents were Polish. After several years in exile, and his family returned to their homeland and settled in the. As a seventeen-year-girl, won the contest for the beloved teenager and trained his acting talent in the Film Institute Bieganski. From the beginning she played in commercials and short films, and finally managed to have been much greater - was chosen to play the lead role in "Mighty Man. "She had an opportunity to play alongside Gregory clouds - well-known Russian actor. Unfortunately - after many years it was difficult to determine in what appeared Agnes films. The reason for this was the loss of many strips of film from that period. It was the same tape," Strong Man " which was found only in the year 1997!
few years later, with the presentation of the film on DVD, we had the opportunity to learn more about the actress, because her son, Albert Kerpert, he wanted to correct the false information that his mother was German. "It was a brief career. My mother got married, husband was a lawyer. She resigned from the play. She led a normal life. During the war he lived in Lodz, Poland, later in Warsaw. My mother was a member of the Army, fought in the Warsaw Uprising, but at the beginning was taken on the boundary of the German-Swiss camp. After the liberation came to England, where she joined the RAF. Returned to the country in 1947, recorded memoirs that she played in other films. Unfortunately, not recorded their titles. "- As Albert's mother says in an interview with Beata Kęczkowską. Everyone probably begs the question - why Kuck was considered to be a German? As in a book about silent film released in the late '70s Agnes Kuck has been described as "bad German tragedienne. By just such a mistake, the actress - in the eyes of the audience - "lost" citizenship for over two decades.